I am trying to use JSON from an api to generate random quotes. On the click of the button , the json should populate in place of "The message will go here". But I am finding stuck. The code is below and link for project:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#getMessage").on("click", function(){
$.getJSON("http://api.forismatic.com/api/1.0/?method=getQuote&format=json&lang=en", function(json) {
<div class = "col-xs-12 well message">
The message will go here
<button id = "getMessage" class = "btn btn-primary">
Get Message
Please Try This Its Working For Me without Cross Domain Error. I have changed it to a function and use ajax to take data. Also Use https
api URL to avoid insecure script error.
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
$( function() {
$('#getMessage').on( 'click', function(){
} );
var linkUrl = "https://api.forismatic.com/api/1.0/?method=getQuote&format=jsonp&lang=en";
var load = function() {
dataType : "jsonp",
jsonp : "jsonp",
url : linkUrl,
success : function(response){
<div class = "col-xs-12 well message">
The message will go here
<button id = "getMessage" class = "btn btn-primary">
Get Message