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Out-Gridview not passing selection to variable

I have created the below script which takes values assigned to an array $PerfList and displays them using Out-Gridview. Once the selection is made it should pass the selection to $Server, but doesn't. I get the following error:

Index operation failed; the array index evaluated to null. At C:\CreateStart.ps1:7 char:21 + foreach { $PerfList[$_.IDX] }) + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NullArrayIndex

My code is as follows:

$PerfList = @("Primary", "SQL", "APE", "Netflow", "AWE")
$IDX = 0
$Server = ($(foreach ($item in $PerfList){
          $item | select @{l='#';e={$IDX}},@{l='Name';e={$PerfList[$IDX]}}
          $IDX++}) | 
          Out-Gridview -Title 'What server is this?' -OutputMode Single |
          foreach { $PerfList[$_.IDX] })

$TaskName = Switch ($Server)
                    'Primary' {'SolarWinds_App'}
                    'SQL' {'SolarWinds_SQL'}
                    'APE' {'SolarWinds_APE'}
                    'Netflow' {'SolarWinds_Netflow'}
                    'AWE' {'SolarWinds_AWE'}

Switch ($Server) {
    'Primary' {
    logman import $TaskName -xml "Primary.xml" -y
    logman start $TaskName

    'SQL' {
    logman import $TaskName -xml "SQL.xml" -y
    logman start $TaskName

    'APE' {
    logman import $TaskName -xml "APE.xml" -y
    logman start $TaskName

    'Netflow' {
    logman import $TaskName -xml "Netflow.xml" -y
    logman start $TaskName

    'AWE' {
    logman import $TaskName -xml "AWE.xml" -y
    logman start $TaskName

Any help would be appreciated :)


  • Just goes to show the importance of indentation and keeping things tidy.

    First of all $IDX++ is within your Select statement, so that should be erroring.

    Secondly you can't pipe from a Foreach (x in y) { } statement.

    Thirdly you're not adding a property to the Item called "IDE", it's called "#" so you need to reference by that:

    Also, more semantics than anything but I prefer Select when getting a specific property from an object.

    This should do the trick:

    $PerfList = @("Primary", "SQL", "APE", "Netflow", "AWE")
    $IDX = 0
    $Server = foreach ($item in $PerfList)
        $item | select @{ l='#';e={ $IDX } },@{ l='Name';e={ $PerfList[$IDX] } }
    $Server = $Server | Out-Gridview -Title 'What server is this?' -OutputMode Single | 
        Select -ExpandProperty "Name"