Why does example A work, while example B throws a "JAXB annotation is placed on a method that is not a JAXB property" exception?
I'm using JAX-WS with Spring MVC.
Example A
package com.casanosa2.permissions;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
@XmlType(name = "FooXMLMapper")
public class FooXMLMapper implements IFoo {
private final boolean propA;
private final boolean propB;
public FooMapper(IFoo foo) {
propA = foo.getPropA()
propB = foo.getPropB()
public FooMapper() {
propA = false;
propB = false;
public boolean getPropA() {
return propA;
public boolean getPropB() {
return propB;
Example B
@XmlType(name = "FooXMLMapper")
public class FooXMLMapper {
private final IFoo foo;
public FooMapper() {
foo = new IFoo() {
public boolean getPropA() {
return false;
public boolean getPropB() {
return false;
public FooXMLMapper(IFoo foo) {
this.foo = foo;
public boolean getPropA() {
return foo.getPropA();
public boolean getPropB() {
return foo.getPropB();
I believe the accessors are ignored if it's looking directly at the instance variables and in your example B there are no actual instance variables of the right name. You have to tell it explicitly to use @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE) on the class and @XmlElement and @XmlAttribute on the get/set methods. At least, that's what I ended up doing with my JAXB mapping.