I am styling some popups for a map displayed through Mapbox using Mapbox's GL JS. However, I cannot find in their documentation regarding the classes that are automatically assigned to the popups. Thus far, my CSS looks like this:
.mapboxgl-Popup-content {
color: #F3F3DD;
background-color: #91785D;
border-color: #91785D;
max-width: 250px;
box-shadow: 3px 3px 2px #8B5D33;
font-family: 'Oswald';
This yields these pretty little boxes:
My issue is the white triangle at the very bottom that points to the marker. I want to change its color.
I have tried a number of CSS classes to fix this. Including, but not limited to, .mapboxgl-popup, .mapboxgl-popup-anchor, .mapboxgl-popup-pointer, etc. I am not sure where to acquire the documentation I need to know what CSS class I should be using to change the color of this pesky triangle.
Here's what you need. It's not just one class because the tip can change position:
.mapboxgl-popup-anchor-top .mapboxgl-popup-tip,
.mapboxgl-popup-anchor-top-left .mapboxgl-popup-tip,
.mapboxgl-popup-anchor-top-right .mapboxgl-popup-tip {
border-bottom-color: #fff;
.mapboxgl-popup-anchor-bottom .mapboxgl-popup-tip,
.mapboxgl-popup-anchor-bottom-left .mapboxgl-popup-tip,
.mapboxgl-popup-anchor-bottom-right .mapboxgl-popup-tip {
border-top-color: #fff;
.mapboxgl-popup-anchor-left .mapboxgl-popup-tip {
border-right-color: #fff;
.mapboxgl-popup-anchor-right .mapboxgl-popup-tip {
border-left-color: #fff;