I use this predicate for fetching objects from CoreData:
NSPredicate.init(format: "id in %@", ids)
So, my class has property called "id".
Is it possible to use the dynamic name of the property instead of hardcoding "id"?
The problem, at least for me, is that in case I change my property's name, I would need to change all predicates where it is used.
Instead I would want to use something like
NSPredicate.init(format: "%@ in %@", #keyPath(MyClass.id), ids)
This gives me a Predicate "id" in <listOfIDs>
, while to make it works it requires id in <listOfIDs>
I understand this is very strange 'problem', but I really like to not use any of hardcoded properties' names in cases like this...
Yes, it is possible, you just need to use "%K"
instead of "%@"
NSPredicate.init(format: "%K in %@", #keyPath(MyClass.id), ids)