I'd like to use GDI to generate text images with my fonts on a server to be served on my site.
I want to use any font on my sites, but of course couldn't use any font on a web site... so I guess I'd need to generate images of the text myself.
Ideas how to accomplish this?
private void button1_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
using( Font f = new Font( "Times New Roman", 22f ) )
pictureBox1.Image = CreateImage( "TEXT", pictureBox1.Size, f, Color.Black );
Bitmap CreateImage( string text, Size imageSize, Font font, Color fontColor )
Bitmap image = new Bitmap( imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height );
using( Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage( image ) )
using( Brush brush = new SolidBrush( fontColor ) )
g.DrawString( text, font, brush, new PointF( 0, 0 ) );
return image;
That will simply create an image with some text of a certain size and assign it to a picturebox. You would of course need to add functionality for setting alignment and things of that nature, but this is the basic idea. Create an image, get a Graphics object from it, and draw a string.
You can also obtain the width and height of a drawn string using some font 'f' by using the Graphics.MeasureString method.