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Error quests for Google Map Elevation API

I am writing a R script to crawl evelatio for a large number of GPS points, using XML and RCurl package. With the help of Google Map Elevation API, it's useful to get the evelation value. Here I notice that the maximum number of locations in a request is 512. The script works fine when there are like 100 GPS points in a requests. So I tried to get 512 elevation values at a request, as I have too many GPS poins.

However, the scrip returns an error saying

Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out

And when I type the url of the request with 512 GPS locations in Chrome, there is also an error, saying

error 413 request entity too large

Did I misunderstand what Google says for the limit of this API? Or does anyone know whats the problem? And how to solve that?


  • Error fixed by reducing the number of locations in a request and setting system pause for request error. Though it costs some time, it's fine for my case. For guy who have millions of GPS points, I think it's still a problem...