I found an interesting blog explaining in general how to realize polymorphic step definitions using cucumber bdd and picocontainer dependency injection. You can visit the blog here
Where I get stuck is not knowing how to keep the automation logic behind a "generic" interface and then provide two different implementations, One that talks directly to the domain model for unit-integration testing, and another one that uses Selenium WebDriver for UI-testing.
Can someone give me advise/skeleton how to implement this. I can't thank you enough for helping the community.
You can use a Utility class to feed the variables between classes.
For example, let's take an example of WebDriver driver initiation.
public class ClassUtility {
public WebDriver baseDriver;
You have a class where you want to access the webDriver.
public class InventoryPage extends ClassUtility {
private ClassUtility driver;
public InventoryPage(ClassUtility driver, ClassUtility fileElementLocator, ClassUtility elementLocatorProperties, ClassUtility page) {
this.driver= driver;
this.page =page;
@When("^Open the Google Page$")
public void openInventoryPage() throws Throwable {
driver.baseDriver = new FirefoxDriver();
If you have to inject to different class, do it the similar fashion.
public class IntroductoryPage extends ClassUtility {
private ClassUtility driver;
public IntroductoryPage(ClassUtility driver, ClassUtility logger) {
this.driver= driver;
@When("^It should go to Account \"([^\"]*)\"")
public void openIntroductoryPage(String region) throws Throwable {
Please let me know if you need additional information. You can play around with the dependency injection as you wish.