I'm trying to write a script that unlocks all the layers then goes through all the layers showing and selecting the live text that is in the active document, what I have wrote so far only unlocks the layers. Could anyone help please? Thanks
This is what I have written so far...
// Make script launchable via double-click / CMD + O.
#target illustrator
// Create an object to hold global variables.
var g = {}
// Call main function.
// Destoying global variables.
g = null;
// Main function will call all the usable functions in order.
function main() {
// Check if there is an active document of if one needs to be opened.
// The Variable for the current document that is open.
g.activeDoc = app.activeDocument;
// Search though all the layers in the document and make sure that they are unlocked and visable.
// Outline all of the text to make it un-editable
// Catch any errors that the script has thrown.
alert( e + " ...An error has risen...")
// Make sure that file is accessable and open.
function OpenFile(){
//check if there are any files already open
if ( app.documents.length == 0 ) {
// If there is not, let the user choose an illustrator file and open that file.
var fileToOpen = File.openDialog ("Please select illustrator file", "*.ai",false);
// Open the file.
app.open (File (fileToOpen));
// Unlock all layers.
function UnlockLayers(){
// Loop through the docs layers and capture the locked states of each one.
for ( var i = 0 ; i < app.activeDocument.layers.length; i++ ) {
// Unlock/Unhide layers here.
app.activeDocument.layers[i].locked = false;
app.activeDocument.layers[i].visible = true;
// Search through and select all live text.
function OutlineText( objArray ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < objArray.length; i++ ) {
// Record previous value with conditional change.
var l = objArray[i].locked;
if ( l ) objArray[i].locked = false;
// Record previous value with conditional change.
var v = objArray[i].visible;
if ( !v ) objArray[i].visible = true;
I've just created an action to run that will run the menu command 'Show Hidden Characters' and that's the way I have found to get around the issue.