I am trying to get access to a non-serializable object on my job, but so far I had no luck. Here is how my code look so far
> public class ExecuteJob extends AbstractJob {
public static String REQUEST_NAME = "request";
private Request request;
MyObject myObject;
public void executeInternal(JobExecutionContext context) {
JobDataMap data = context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap();
request = (Request) data.get(REQUEST_NAME);
// Second way that I tried
The code that you may see above is just an example of how I am trying to get the information from "myObject". I realized that I cannot get information from an Autowired object as Quartz does not know about this annotation, so what I tried to do was create an abstract class (AbstractJob) that extends QuartzJobBean and create a method on it that may retrieve a stored object (getObject), but it always come empty. Anyone know how I would be able to get this information from "myObject" taking in consideration that it is a non-serializable object?
Thanks in advance!
I found this answer Custom Object parameters within Jobs using Quartz-scheduler, and creating my own job factory made it possible to have access to this object.