I am trying to fetch the call status of a grandstream phone by a nodejs script. But I've run in some trouble. The first request is going all fine, and returning that I am authenticated. The second request isn't going well, it says that I'm not authenticated.
How do I set the credentials or the cookie from the first request in the second request, so it knows that I'm loggedin?
First request response:
Message=Authentication accepted
First request response headers:
'status': '200',
'content-length': '79',
'content-location': '',
'set-cookie': 'phonecookie="XXXXXX";HttpOnly, type=admin;, Version="1";, Max-Age=900',
'server': 'Enterprise Phone',
'pragma': 'no-cache',
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'date': 'Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:22:29 GMT',
'content-type': 'text/plain'
Second request response:
Message=Authentication Required
App.js Script:
var fetch = require('node-fetch');
var host = '';
var loginUrl = "/manager?action=login&username=XXXXXX&secret=XXXXXX";
var statusUrl = "/manager?action=lineStatus&line=0";
function makeRequest(url)
fetch("http://" + host + loginUrl).then(function(resultLogin) {
var resultAuth = result.body();
fetch("http://" + host + statusUrl, {method: 'GET').then(function(resultStatus) {
var resultStatus = resultStatus.body();
Use fetch-cookie to let node-fetch
store and send back cookies according to the url.
var fetch = require('fetch-cookie')(require('node-fetch'))