I have a Fragment
that contains RecyclerView
. But since I have a lot of elements in this Fragment
, I want to swipe up the list to see and check all the elements that are in this Fragment
Earlier this method helped me, but now for some reason it does not work:
I have many RecyclerView
s with same id
in my project:
Also in my tests I've written something like this:
onView(allOf( withId(R.id.recyclerView), isDisplayed()))
But caught error only on second line.
android.support.test.espresso.AmbiguousViewMatcherException: 'with id: com.fentury.android:id/recyclerView' matches multiple views in the hierarchy. Problem views are marked with '****MATCHES****' below.
You have multiple views with id R.id.recyclerView
in your view hierarchy, therefore espresso lacks to perform correct matching. Make the id
s of those RecyclerView
s unique.
onView(allOf(withId(R.id.recyclerView), isDisplayed()))
But caught error only on second line.
Then perform matching this way:
onView(allOf(withId(R.id.recyclerView), isDisplayed())).perform(swipeUp())