I would like to click each first child of class="cf" and should be in order, first cf first because the other radio is disabled unless you click the first one. The cf length is undetermined (in this example I put 3) so I need to first get the length of the child of ol > li and loop the clicking there.
Here is the structure of the HTML
<div id="group-attr-selects" class="grouped-select">
<li class="opt-label">Dimensions</li>
<div id="conf-container-1549" class="cf">
<div class="optdiv">
<input name="conf-radio-0" id="conf-radio-1461" type="radio" value="1461">
<label class="optdiv-label" for="conf-radio-1461">3" H x 3" W</label>
<div class="optdiv">
<input name="conf-radio-0" id="conf-radio-1421" type="radio" value="1421">
<label class="optdiv-label" for="conf-radio-1421">4" H x 4" W</label>
<div id="err-attribute1549" style="color: red; margin-bottom: 5px"></div>
<li class="opt-label">Color</li>
<div id="conf-container-1379" class="cf">
<div class="optdiv">
<input name="conf-radio-1" id="conf-radio-12791" type="radio" value="12791">
<label class="optdiv-label" for="conf-radio-12791">Black on Almond</label>
<div class="optdiv">
<input name="conf-radio-1" id="conf-radio-12796" type="radio" value="12796">
<label class="optdiv-label" for="conf-radio-12796">Black on Brushed Aluminum</label>
<div class="optdiv">
<input name="conf-radio-1" id="conf-radio-12798" type="radio" value="12798">
<label class="optdiv-label" for="conf-radio-12798">Black on Brushed Brass</label>
<div class="optdiv">
<input name="conf-radio-1" id="conf-radio-12794" type="radio" value="12794">
<label class="optdiv-label" for="conf-radio-12794">Black on Brushed Gold</label>
<div id="err-attribute1379" style="color: red; margin-bottom: 5px"></div>
<li class="opt-label">Mounting Type</li>
<div id="conf-container-2605" class="cf">
<div class="optdiv">
<input name="conf-radio-2" id="conf-radio-76" type="radio" value="76">
<label class="optdiv-label" for="conf-radio-76">Adhesive</label>
<div class="optdiv">
<input name="conf-radio-2" id="conf-radio-762" type="radio" value="762">
<label class="optdiv-label" for="conf-radio-762">No Mounting</label>
<div id="err-attribute2605" style="color: red; margin-bottom: 5px"></div>
Got the solution from this answer
I just made a few adjustments.
.findAllByCssSelector('#group-attr-selects > ol > div.cf')
.then(function (elementArray) {
return Promise.all(elementArray.map(function (element) {
return element.getVisibleText()
.then(function (children) {
for(var i=0; i < children.length; i++){
return element.findByCssSelector('.optdiv > input')
.then(function (inp) {
return inp.click();