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Download a file in Angular 2

I want to download a file in pdf in Angular 2, I am using FileSaver.js to save the file as pdf.

(response) => {
    var mediaType = 'application/pdf';
    let pdfContent = response["_body"];

    var blob = new Blob([pdfContent], {type: mediaType});
    var filename = 'test.pdf';
    //setTimeout(FileSaver.saveAs(blob, filename),10000); //Tried this but no result
    //  FileSaver.saveAs(blob(), "docitt-report-" + documentNo + ".pdf"); //tried this too

But the downloaded pdf file is empty, I thought maybe the resource is taking time so I tried with setTimeout, but it still didn't help. Though there is data in the response which I could see in console as response._body.

Let me know where I'm going wrong.


  • I got it to work, and this is my answer below:

      const headers = new Headers({responseType:ResponseContentType.Blob});
      headers.append('authorization','Bearer '+token);
        (response) => {    
         FileSaver.saveAs(response.blob(), "Document-" + docId+ ".pdf");

    Import FilSaver

    import * as FileSaver from 'file-saver';