I have markers on a map. I set the opacity of the marker dependent on the date in JSON.
Because of this when the map loads, some of the markers are 0.5 opacity, some are 1 opacity.
Inside the marker's info window there is a button. When I click this button I want to change the opacity to 1.
Below is some snippets of my code to show you how I have it setup at the moment.
Any help would be much appreciated
//For every item in JSON
$.each(dbJSON, function(key, data) {
var opacity = 1;
var today = new Date();
var fadeDate = new Date(data.last_rated); //get the date last rated
fadeDate.setDate(fadeDate.getDate() + 1); //and add 1 date to it to specify the day when the icon should fade
if(Date.parse(today) > Date.parse(fadeDate)) {
opacity = 0.5;
} else {
opacity = 1;
var postal_town = data.location;
geocoder.geocode( { 'address': postal_town}, function(results, status) {
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: results[0].geometry.location,
title: data.manufacturer_name,
icon: image,
rating: data.rating,
opacity: opacity
markers[data.id] = marker;
marker.addListener('click', function() {
var contentString = '<div id="content">'+
'<h1>' + data.manufacturer_name + '</h1>' +
'<button id="seen-it" data-rating="' + data.rating + '" data-entry-id="' + data.id + '">Seen it</button>' +
'<p><strong>Rating: </strong><span id="rating">' + markers[data.id].rating + '</span></p>' +
infowindow.open(map, marker);
//Do something when the #seen-it button is clicked
$(document).on('click', '#seen-it', function(event){
Since you have the id of the marker stored in the data-entry-id
you could use (assuming the markers
variable is accessible from your handler)
$(document).on('click', '#seen-it', function(event){
var markerId = $(this).data('entry-id');