I have some problems with a function window.open('url'). My variable "url" focus on a ODT file and when i try to open this file with a web browser (http://localhost//../test.odt), I have "HTTP 404 PAGE NOT FOUND".
I have already tried with diferent extentions : png, pdf, docx, etc. and it's work.
For information : the file is uploaded on a local repertory.Is the problem could be the MIME content or something else ?
Thanks you
Your website in IIS don't have configured MIME type for .odt files. Correct mimetype is:
In your web.config file you need to add inside system.webServer
<remove fileExtension=".odt" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".odt" mimeType="application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" />