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InkAnalyzer UWP - custom shapes

Just wondering - is there a way to add custom shape recognition to UWP ink analyzer?

I need to be able to recognize a semi-circle, an arrow an couple of other simple shapes.

What is the best approach to solve this issue?


  • As far as I known, we can not recognize a semi-circle, an arrow an couple of other simple shapes by the InkAnalyzer class. It can recognize the specified shape in the Ink​Analysis​Drawing​Kind.

    The Ink​Analysis​Drawing​Kind enum lists Circle, Diamond, Drawing, Ellipse,
    EquilateralTriangle, Hexagon, IsoscelesTriangle, Parallelogram, Pentagon, Quadrilateral, Rectangle, RightTriangle, Square, Trapezoid and Triangle. We can not add our custom shape to it.

    If you draw a semi-circle, it maybe will recognize to Ellipse or Rectangle that we can not know it is a semi-circle. If you draw an arrow, it will not be recognized as one of the shapes listed. Then it will return Ink​Analysis​Drawing​​Kind.Drawing.