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create image slider in titanium appcelerator

Layout of the image slider

I need to create an image slider like this, where the image in a specific image needs to be bigger and in the foreground, but I don't know how to do this. I know how to create a slider with a ScrollView but how can I create the effect of bringing the image to front and increase the image?

I'm developing the app in Appcelerator Titanium in classic mode.


this is how I create my images:

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        (function() {

            var viewImage = Ti.UI.createView({
                height : "70%",
                width : deviceWidth * 0.2857,
                zIndex : 0,
                isOpen : false,
                borderColor : "transparent",
                layout : "vertical"

            require("resizeImage").resizeImage("/images/carro.jpeg", 0.35, 0.385, viewImage, deviceHeight, deviceWidth);

            if (i == 0) {
                viewImage.borderColor = "#0000aa";
                viewImage.zIndex = 100;
                scrollView.children[1].isOpen = true;
                lastPosition = 1;

I set the zIndex of my first image to 100 and the others to 0 but the image stays behind the image that is on its right.


  • Have a look at Ti.UI.Animation. There are some examples on how to scale images. With that you can create this effect.

     var matrix = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix()
     matrix = matrix.scale(2, 2);
     var a = Ti.UI.createAnimation({
        transform : matrix,
        duration : 2000,

    You might need to change the zIndex from time to time

    Full example:


    var matrix = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix()
    matrix = matrix.scale(2, 2);
    var a = Ti.UI.createAnimation({
        transform: matrix,
        duration: 500,
    function onClickBox(e) {
        $.box1.zIndex = 0;
        $.box2.zIndex = 0;
        $.box3.zIndex = 0;
        $.box4.zIndex = 0;
        $.box5.zIndex = 0;
        if (e.source != $.box1) $.box1.transform = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix().scale(1, 1);
        if (e.source != $.box2) $.box2.transform = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix().scale(1, 1);
        if (e.source != $.box3) $.box3.transform = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix().scale(1, 1);
        if (e.source != $.box4) $.box4.transform = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix().scale(1, 1);
        if (e.source != $.box5) $.box5.transform = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix().scale(1, 1);
        e.source.zIndex = 100;
    $.box1.addEventListener("click", onClickBox);
    $.box2.addEventListener("click", onClickBox);
    $.box3.addEventListener("click", onClickBox);
    $.box4.addEventListener("click", onClickBox);
    $.box5.addEventListener("click", onClickBox);


        <Window class="container">
            <ScrollView id="scroller">
                  <View id="box1" class="box"/>
                  <View id="box2" class="box"/>
                  <View id="box3" class="box"/>
                  <View id="box4" class="box"/>
                  <View id="box5" class="box"/>


    ".container" : {
        backgroundColor: "white"
    ".box" : {
        width: 100,
        height: 100,
        borderWidth: 4,
        borderColor: "#0f0",
        backgroundColor: "#000"
    "#box1" : {
        left: 0
    "#box2" : {
        left: 110
    "#box3" : {
        left: 220
    "#box4" : {
        left: 330
    "#box5" : {
        left: 440
    "#scroller" : {
        top: 0,
        right: 0,
        bottom: 0,
        left: 0,
        scrollType: "horizontal"