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SELECT node text values from xml document in TSQL OPENXML

I have a xml document I want to use to update values in a stored procedure. I can process the XML using OPENXML, but I'm confused about extracting the values I want. Each row in the xml is a product record and I want to create a variable for each property. Cell0 is the ID, Cell2 description etc

DECLARE @idoc int  
DECLARE @doc varchar(1000)  
SET @doc ='
   <cell>BALSAMO DERMOSCENT</cell>
   <cell>BAYTRIL 150 MG 1 CPDO</cell>
--Create an internal representation of the XML document.
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @doc
-- Execute a SELECT statement that uses the OPENXML rowset provider.
FROM       OPENXML (@idoc, '/products/rows/row/cell',1)
with (Col1 varchar(29) 'text()')

Running the above query returns 1 record for each CELL in the xml. I want to be able to return 1 record per row with different columns for each cell, something like:-

Prod       Description              Qty
---------- --------------------     --------
1          BALSAMO DERMOSCENT       1.00  
2          BAYTRIL 150 MG 1 CPDO    1.00

I'm using MSSQL 2008


  • I've come up with the following which does the job for me

    DECLARE @idoc int
    DECLARE @doc varchar(1000)
    SET @doc ='
          <cell>BALSAMO DERMOSCENT</cell>
          <cell>BAYTRIL 150 MG 1 CPDO</cell>
    --Create an internal representation of the XML document.
    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @doc
    -- Execute a SELECT statement that uses the OPENXML rowset provider.
    SELECT    *
    FROM       OPENXML (@idoc, '/products/rows/row',1)
    with (pLineNo int 'cell[1]/text()',
          pDesc varchar(50) 'cell[2]/text()',
          pQty float 'cell[3]/text()',
          pCost float 'cell[4]/text()',
          pPvp float 'cell[5]/text()',
          pTotal float 'cell[6]/text()',
          pIva float 'cell[7]/text()',
          pId int 'cell[8]/text()',
          pnoFact varchar(5) 'cell[9]/text()')