I want to know what are the eclipse version will support the windowbuilder and its available online for online installation?
At present, the chosen answer has become OBE (overcome by events -- obsolete).
In order to install WindowBuilder offline, you must download one of the code repositories listed below. (discussion here)
On the left side of the page, download "repository.zip" (click 'Show Directory Contents' if you don't see that. It should show up.)
Unzip the download.
In Eclipse, select "Install New Software" (under the Help menu).
Click "Add.." to choose the new repository.
Click "Local...", "Browse For Folder" and select the unzipped "repository" folder, then click "OK".
Click the other "OK" (or "Add"), too.
Check the box next to "WindowBuilder". (It should be in the large, open pane of the "Install" window.). Then click "Next>" and all other affirmative options until done.