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Gulp - delay in updating files

I am working on a JS Web App using multiple UI frameworks and Preprocessors like SASS,

I am using Gulp as a task runner but I am facing a strange behavior

for example: in my sass file

  text-align: left;
  padding-left: 10px;
  padding-right: 15px;


here is my gulp tasks


gulp.task('styles',['sass'], function () {
  return gulp.src(['src/css/styles.css',
 .pipe(concat('styles.css')) // Other post-processing.
 .pipe(gulp.dest('public/css')) // Output LTR stylesheets.
 .pipe(rtlcss()) // Convert to RTL.
 .pipe(rename({ suffix: '-rtl' })) // Append "-rtl" to the filename.
 .pipe(gulp.dest('public/css')); // Output RTL stylesheets.
gulp.task('watch',function () {'src/scss/**/**/*.scss',['styles']);



when I update anything in my sass file for example change line 3 to padding-left:5px;

the result in styles.css is still the old value paddin-left:10px; if I change it on more time to padding-left:15px; the result is padding-left:5px; Why there is always one step delay in updating files !!!

Thanks in advance.


  • you should return result of saas

       return gulp.src(['src/scss/base.scss',

    unless you return the style will not know when saas task finished