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How to customize column template when kendo grid column is auto generated?

I assign the datasource into the Kendo grid using javascript:

var dataSource = new{
    transport: {
        read: {
            url: "@Url.Action("GetProductList", "Home")",
            type: "POST"
var grid = $("#gridHardwares").kendoGrid({
    dataSource: dataSource,
    height: 600,
    sortable: true,
    groupable: true,
    pageable: {
        refresh: true,
        pageSizes: true,
        buttonCount: 5
    resizable: true

Note that the datasource column is generated dynamically (it will expand every year).

Therefore, I could not find a way to customize the columns now. What can I do here to customize it like, add in additional checkbox column, edit the header, and also set groupFooterTemplate?

Previously, the columns are fixed and I can customize easily:

columns: [
    template: "<input type='checkbox' class='checkbox' />",
    width: 20
}, {
    field: "PRODUCT_NAME",
    title: "Product Name",
    width: 200
}, {
    field: "PRICE2017",
    title: "Price 2017",
    width: 200,
    aggregates: ["sum", "average"],
    groupFooterTemplate: "Sum: #= kendo.toString(sum, '0.00') # || Average: #= kendo.toString(average, '0.00') #"

Also, is it possible to make the data editable in the grid?


  • I post my solution here, maybe it could help someone in future.

        var customColumns =  [{
                template: "<input type='checkbox' class='checkbox' />",
                width: 20

    then customized your own title: var customHeaders = []

        for (var i = 0; i < customHeaders.length; i++) {
        if (i > 4) // after Name, Description, Region etc..
            if (i == 5) // start with the first price column
                    title : customHeaders[i], 
                    field: headers[i],
                    width: 150,
                        "# if(" + headers[i] + " != null) {# " +
                        "#= kendo.toString(" + headers[i] + ", 'n') #" +
                        "# } else { #" +
                        "" +
                        "#} # ",
                    aggregates: ["sum", "average"],
                    groupFooterTemplate: "Sum: #= kendo.toString(sum, '0.00') # || Average: #= kendo.toString(average, '0.00') #"
            else // compare price with previous year
                    title : customHeaders[i], 
                    field: headers[i],
                    width: 150,
                        "# if(" + headers[i] + " != null) {# " +
                        "#= calculatePercentage(" + headers[i-1] + ", " + headers[i] + ") #" +
                        "# } else { #" +
                        "" +
                        "#} # ",
                    aggregates: ["sum", "average"],
                    groupFooterTemplate: "Sum: #= kendo.toString(sum, '0.00') # || Average: #= kendo.toString(average, '0.00') #"
                title : customHeaders[i], // customized header
                field: headers[i] // original header

    Thank you Sandman for the hints!