I am running a code, that changes the format of the task's row, based on a value in Text1
If I change the Duration
, or Finish
or some other values when I update the schedule, the value of Text1
(customized field) is modified as well. As a result of that value, I am formatting the background color and the font color.
Once I run this code, I can't use the regular "Undo" so I can't get the values to return to their previous state.
How do I create the "Custom Undo"?
ThisProject Code
Private Sub Project_Change(ByVal pj As Project)
' enable class to modify the Task format on Project change (when a task is changed)
End Sub
Regular Code Module
Option Explicit
Public StatusRYGView As New clsTskUpdate
Public UpdateViewFlag As Boolean
Public TskIDChanged As Long
Sub StatusRYGFieldUpdate()
' this Sub is triggered once a task is modified
' if the Field being modifed is related to "Text1"
Dim CurTskID As Long
Set StatusRYGView.ProjApp = Application
Application.Calculation = pjManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If UpdateViewFlag Then
CurTskID = TskIDChanged ' save Row ID
FormatTask (TskIDChanged) ' call the Sub that formats the cell (send the taskId)
End If
Application.Calculation = pjAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
End Sub
Sub FormatTask(TskID)
Dim Tsk As Task
If UpdateViewFlag Then
SelectTaskField TskID, "Text1", False
Set Tsk = ActiveCell.Task ' set the Task to current cell's Task
SelectRow Row:=TskID, RowRelative:=False
' format entire row first
Select Case Tsk.Text1 ' Get the Field's used field, not name
Case "R"
FontEx CellColor:=7, Color:=0
FontEx Italic:=False
Case "Complete"
FontEx Italic:=True
FontEx CellColor:=15, Color:=14 ' Background Silver ; font Gray
End Select
' format "Status" field
SelectTaskField TskID, "Text1", False
Select Case Tsk.Text1 ' Get the Field's used field, not name
Case "R"
' Font Color:=pjWhite ' Font White
FontEx Italic:=False
FontEx CellColor:=1, Color:=7 ' Background Red ; font White
Case "Complete"
FontEx Italic:=True ' Font Italic
FontEx CellColor:=15, Color:=14 ' Background Silver ; font Gray
End Select
End If ' UpdateViewFlag is True
End Sub
clsTskUpdate Class Module
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents ProjApp As Application
Private Sub ProjApp_ProjectBeforeTaskChange(ByVal Tsk As Task, ByVal Field As PjField, ByVal NewVal As Variant, Cancel As Boolean)
' Sub (in "clsTskUpdate" Class) is triggered once a task is modified
' if the Field being modifed is related to "Text1"
' then the UpdateViewFlag is being raised, and the Tsk.ID (task's row) is saved to TskIDChanged variable
UpdateViewFlag = False
TskIDChanged = 0
Select Case Field
Case pjTaskActualFinish
If Not NewVal Like Format(Tsk.ActualFinish, myDateFormat) Then ' need to modify date format to "dd/mm/yy"
LastValue = Tsk.ActualFinish
UpdateViewFlag = True
TskIDChanged = Tsk.ID
End If
Case pjTaskStart
If Not NewVal Like Format(Tsk.Start, myDateFormat) Then ' need to modify date format to "dd/mm/yy"
LastValue = Tsk.Start
UpdateViewFlag = True
TskIDChanged = Tsk.ID
End If
Case pjTaskDuration
If Not NewVal Like (Tsk.Duration / 480) & "*" Then ' need to divide by 480 (in minutes) and add `*` wild-card for "days"
LastValue = Tsk.Duration / 480
UpdateViewFlag = True
TskIDChanged = Tsk.ID
End If
Case pjTaskPercentComplete
If Not NewVal Like Tsk.PercentComplete Then
LastValue = Tsk.PercentComplete
UpdateViewFlag = True
TskIDChanged = Tsk.ID
End If
' other possible Case Scenarios in the future
End Select
End Sub
Microsoft Project 2007 added a pair of methods, OpenUndoTransaction and CloseUndoTransaction, that create a single undo entry for the user to undo an entire macro.
Add these methods to procedure StatusRYGFieldUpdate like this:
Sub StatusRYGFieldUpdate()
Dim CurTskID As Long
Set StatusRYGView.ProjApp = Application
Application.OpenUndoTransaction "Status RYG Field Update"
Application.Calculation = pjManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If UpdateViewFlag Then
CurTskID = TskIDChanged ' save Row ID
FormatTask (TskIDChanged) ' call the Sub that formats the cell (send the taskId)
End If
Application.Calculation = pjAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub