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How to use a struct defined in C++ CLR in unmanaged C++?

I have a struct defined in Managed.h and I would like to be able to use it inside a different project, which is unmanaged C++ (let's call it Unmanaged.h).

I tried referencing the dll, a few different #includes, but I couldn't make it work. Is there a simple way to do this ?

For information : I am quite new to C++ programming (I do C# usually), and I use Visual Studio 2015.


  • It would be useful to see some code and the error message that you are seeing. But as a basic example:

    1. CLR file containing the struct. Call it MyStruct.h:

    using namespace System;
    namespace ManagedNameSpace {
        public value struct MyStruct {
            void f() {
    1. The unmanaged class includes the CLR struct and as an explicit example I have called the object in the constructor but you can easily move this to an implementation file (Remember to include the file in the header):

    #include "MyStruct.h"
    class UnManagedClass {
            explicit UnManagedClass() {
                ManagedNameSpace::MyStruct clrObj;
                std::cout << "This compiles fine";

    Take note that certain CLR types require marshalling. For example String will need to be marshalled. Here is an example of converting a string to LPCWSTR

    LPCWSTR lpcwStr = (LPCWSTR)(Marshal::StringToHGlobalUni(clrString)).ToPointer()