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Cannot load .geojson file with D3 in ASP.NET Core

I am trying to create world map with D3.js using a .geojson file. However everytime the page loads it is giving me a 404 error http://localhost:xxxx/world.geojson file not found.

Here is my site.js file:

$(function() {
   d3.json("./world.geojson", createMap);
   function createMap(countries) {
      var aProjection = d3.geoMercator();
      var geoPath = d3.geoPath().projection(aProjection);"svg").selectAll("path").data(countries.features)
        .atrt("d", geoPath)
        .attr("class", "countries");

This is what my project structure looks like: structure

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • I as able to to fix my issue by adding the following to my Startup.cs:

            app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions()
                ServeUnknownFileTypes = true,
                FileProvider =
                    new PhysicalFileProvider(
                        Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), @"MyStaticFiles")),
                RequestPath = new PathString("/StaticFiles")

    I created a folder in my application root directory (MyStaticFiles), and put my .geojson file within that. The file was then loading correctly into the browser.