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Recursion Ending Too Soon in Javascript Function

I am currently learning JavaScript through remaking games from scratch, and my current project is Minesweeper. While trying to create the recursive function that reveals the spaces surrounding a clicked space I have run into the issue of it ending too soon for seemingly no reason.

You can read the whole code (so far) here:

or refer to just the stand-alone function below:

function showAdjacent(block) {

  if(block.minesNextTo != 0)

  block.uncovered = true;
  block.hidden = false;


  for(i = 0; i < block.adjacentBlocks.length; i++)
      block.adjacentBlocks[i].hidden = false;

  for(i = 0; i < block.adjacentBlocks.length; i++) {


(and yes I know that this function shouldn't only be triggered if a block has zero mines next to it, this is just easier for testing purposes)


  • You need to declare i as a local variable:

    var i;

    at the top of the function would do it. As it is, it's implicitly global, so the recursive calls mess up the value of i in the parent contexts.