I have sth like this in my fact table :
a dimenstion named dimType that can have these values "FIND , LOSE , GIFT" and a measure named Count that has a positive number
I want this measure in SSDT by SUM AggregateFunction but with a little change, before aggrigation I want to negetive this Count if it's of type LOSE ex :
Type : FIND / Count :12
Type : LOSE / Count : 5
Type : GIFT / Count : 4
THEN : SUM(Count) = 12-5+4 = 11
Should I use MeasureExpression in Measure Properties ? How can I do that?
Actually, the easiest way to do it is SQL:
iif(type = 'LOSE',-count,count)
If you need it for some reason both positive and negative aggregation you can you use MDX calculations.
Simple one:
[Measures].[Count] - ([dimType].[Type].[LOSE],[Measures].[Count]) * 2
Universal one:
Existing [dimType].[Type].[Type].Members,
[dimType].[Type].CurrentMember is [dimType].[Type].[LOSE],