I have functions that represent steps in a process. Each function also knows the next step, if there is one. I'd like to be able to do something like:
fun fooStep() : Step? {
... do something ...
return ::barStep // the next step is barStep
These functions are called from a central dispatching function, which contains code a bit like this:
var step = startStep
while (step != null) {
step = step()
Note that the logic in a particular step also determines the next step, if there even is one.
I thought I could define Step
typealias Step = () -> Step?
So a Step
is a function that returns another Step
, or null. However, this fails to compile with:
Kotlin: Recursive type alias in expansion: Step
I can work around this by wrapping the function in an object. eg:
data class StepWrapper(val step: () -> StepWrapper?)
and changing my function signatures accordingly.
Unfortunately, this means that I cannot just use function literals (eg: ::barStep
), but instead have to wrap them in a StepWrapper
fun fooStep() : StepWrapper? {
... do something ...
return StepWrapper(::barStep)
(I also have to change my dispatch loop, accordingly.)
I'd like to avoid the need to create these wrapper objects, if possible. Is there any way to do this in Kotlin?
You can define it by using some generic interface:
interface StepW<out T> : ()->T?
interface Step : StepW<Step>
class Step1 : Step {
override fun invoke(): Step? = Step2()
class Step2 : Step {
override fun invoke(): Step? = null
Where Step
is your recursive function type.