Android Studio - Java
How can I remove all entries from an ArrayList except the ones that contain certain characters independently from upper and lower case?
String[] numbers = new String[] {"One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve"};
ArrayList arrayList=new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(numbers));
E.g. if I choose the letters "Ne" I would like to remove all the entries from the arraylist except the entries containing the charachter string "ne".
In android ,for non java-8
1.) Traverse you array values
2.) Apply toLowerCase()
to convert value to lowercase and Check if it contains ne
, if no then remove the element from list
for (String s: numbers) {
if (!s.toLowerCase().contains("ne")) {
list elements
Java 8
1.) Never use Raw type
2.) Apply the above logic in filter
ArrayList<String> arrayList=new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(numbers));
List<String> non_ne =