I am trying to get a value from an ExtJS store to use it in a variable. I tried to print it with console.log, following instructions from another questions answered here on StackOverflow and on Sencha forum, with no success. I am getting this error message on my first attempt:
Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
And this message on my second attempt:
myView is not defined
where "myView" is the class name of this current window.
Here is my Store code:
myStore = this.store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
proxy:new Ext.data.ScriptTagProxy({
url: "php/data.php"
root: 'result',
autoLoad: false,
fields: [
Here is how I am trying to get the values from store:
First attempt:
var vId = myStore.data.items[0].data.ID;
Second attempt:
var vId = record.get('ID');
// Do stuff with value
I am following these answers:
Any ideas? I am using ExtJS version 3.2.1
Your myStore declaration uses
myStore = this.store =
When you try to access the values from the store, are you in the same scope? Is myStore a global variable?