How do I test a service that has properties from spring cloud config server injected into it as a dependency?
My service looks like the one below:
class Testing {
private final ExampleProperties exampleProperties
Testing(ExampleProperties exampleProperties) {
this.exampleProperties = exampleProperties
String methodIWantToTest() {
return exampleProperties.test.greeting + ' bla!'
My project makes a call to a spring cloud config server during start up to get properties, this is enabled by having the following on the
I have a configuration that looks like the one below:
class ExampleProperties {
private String foo
private int bar
private final Test test = new Test()
//getters and setters
static class Test {
private String greeting
//getters and setters
The properties file looks like this:
test.greeting=Hello world!
You can use @TestPropertySource annotation to fake properties during test:
@TestPropertySource(properties = { "timezone = GMT", "port: 4242" })
public class MyIntegrationTests {
// class body...