I have created a java application in eclipse. The application used Rserve package to connect to R and run r scripts. Before running my application, i have to start rserve from within Rstudio like this:
This Java code would be bundled as an executable file, so is there a way that Rserve() is invoked automatically(in windows) as soon as the code is run so that I can skip this manual step of starting Rserve using through RStudio?
The https://github.com/yannrichet/rsession project achieves exactly that for you.
Though it might be interesting to have a look at this: https://github.com/subes/invesdwin-context-r As it integrates RSession and keeps a pool of Rserve connections for performance reasons without you having to do much for it. You can also switch to other runtime solutions like JRI, RCaller, Renjin without having to change your script code.