From the developer guide page, jplayer has noFullWindow option.
Parameter: Object - Defines the user agent blocklist, which contains regular expressions, which cause the full-screen and restore-screen buttons to be hidden if a match is found.
This object has default value:
noFullWindow: {
msie: /msie [0-6]\./,
ipad: /ipad.*?os [0-4]\./,
iphone: /iphone/,
ipod: /ipod/,
android_pad: /android [0-3]\.(?!.*?mobile)/,
android_phone: /android.*?mobile/,
blackberry: /blackberry/,
windows_ce: /windows ce/,
iemobile: /iemobile/,
webos: /webos/
I tried to set noFullWindow to null but wasn't successful.
OK, I solved the problem. My project is using the old version of jplayer (latest: 2.9.2, mine: 2.1.0)
jplayer version 2.1.0 has noFullScreen option instead of noFullWindow option.