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When should I return by value, as opposed to returning a unique pointer

What I'm wondering is, how does returning by value a Cat actually differ from returning an std::unique_ptr<Cat> in terms of passing them around, memory management and using them in practice.

Memory management wise, aren't they the same? As both a returned by value object and an object wrapped in a unique_ptr will have their destructors triggered once they go out of scope?

So, how would you compare both pieces of code:

Cat catFactory(string catName) {
    return Cat(catName);

std::unique_ptr<Cat> catFactory(string catName) {
    return std::unique_ptr(new Cat(catName));


  • Returning by value should be considered the default. (*) Deviating from the default practice, by returning std::unique_ptr<Cat>, should require justification.

    There are three main reasons to return a pointer:

    1. Polymorphism. This is the best reason to return std::unique_ptr<Cat> instead of Cat: that you might actually be creating an object of a type derived from Cat. If you need this polymorphism, you absolutely need to return a pointer of some sort. This is why factory functions usually return pointers.

    2. Cat cannot be moved cheaply or cannot be moved at all. "Inherently" unmovable types are rare; you should usually try to fix Cat by making it cheaply movable. But of course Cat could be a type owned by someone else, to which you cannot add a move constructor (or perhaps even a copy constructor). In that case, there is not much you can do other than use unique_ptr (and complain to the owner).

    3. The function has the potential to fail and be unable to construct any valid Cat. In that case, one possibility is return by value anyway but throw an exception if the Cat cannot be constructed; the other, in C++11/C++14, is to make the function return std::unique_ptr<Cat> and have it return a null pointer when no Cat can be constructed. In C++17, however, you should start returning std::optional<Cat> instead of std::unique_ptr<Cat> in that case, to avoid unnecessary heap allocation.

    (*) This also applies to passing objects when the function being called needs its own copy of the value, e.g., a constructor that will initialize a class member from one of its arguments. Accept the object by value and move.