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How to extract indices of non-zero elements from ND array?

I need to label edges of a directed graph with 4 different labels, so I store it in a N*N*4 array. (Let's stick with 4, which is my actual third dimension.) N is the number of nodes in the graph. i.e. for entry M(i,j,1), I would label an edge from node i to node j with the first kind of label. Here is a toy example to play with.

M(2,1,1)=1 indicates I add label text 'first label' on the edge from node 2 to node 1. M(3,2,2)=1 indicates I add label text 'second label' on the edge from node 3 to node 2. Each 'page' in the 3D array is one kind of label.

M(:,:,1)= 0 0 0      M(:,:,2)= 0 0 1         
          1 0 1                0 0 0
          0 0 0                0 1 0

But I don't know how to convert N*N*4 array M into s and t in labeledge(h,s,t,Labels). s is the indices of source nodes while t is the indices of target nodes.

Ideally, this is the plot:

s = [2 2 1 3];
t = [1 3 3 2];
G = digraph(s,t);
h = plot(G);

the key question is how I can get s1, t1, s2 and t2 from M like this:

labeledge(h,[2 2], [1 3], 'first label');
labeledge(h,[1 3], [3 2], 'second label');

enter image description here FYI: M(:,:,1) and M(:,:,2) do not have the same non-zero entries.


  • Some Background Insight:
    In your problem, the order of s and t is inter-linked i.e. shuffling of s does not matter if the elements of t are also shuffled in the same order. e.g; if

    s = [2 2 1 3];
    t = [1 3 3 2];
    %The combination of s and t given by you

    The above will give the same result as that of the following:

    s = [2 3 2 1];  
    t = [1 2 3 3];
    % replaced column 2 with column 3, column 3 with column 2, and column 4 with column 3

    There are many such combinations. The code I am going to show will give the following combination for the given M:

    s = [2 2 3 1];    %named as snew in my code
    t = [1 3 2 3];    %named as tnew in my code
    %In this combination, column 3 and 4 are inter-changed (See the combination given by you)


    for k=1:size(M,3)           %Looping depending on the third dimension
        [r,c]= find(M(:,:,k));  %Finding non-zero elements
        %Storing the values in a cell since the number of non-zero elements in each 
        %slice of M can be different 
        s{k}=r;     t{k}=c;    

    The above code gives s{1}=[2; 2], s{2}=[3; 1], t{1}=[1; 3] and t{2}=[2; 3].

    Now you can find s and t as combined as given in your question by extracting them from the above code with:

    snew=vertcat(s{:});   %Giving a different name to avoid confusion

    Now you can make digraph using snew and tnew and label edges with s{1}, s{2}, t{1} and t{2}.

    For labeling the edges, you can use the following loop:

    for k=1:length(s)
        labeledge(h,s{k}, t{k}, ['label ',num2str(k)]);

    This solves the issue of labeling if there are too many labels to make. Making the labels as first, second ,.... would be cumbersome and may be unnecessary.

    With the above modifications, you get the following output:
