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Button with handler and bound tag attributes

I want to define in a jsviews template a button that have both click handler and data bound property.

Assuming I have this data:

var data = {
    Enable : true,
    DisplayName : "foo",
    SomeData : 42

This helpers :

var handlers = {
    fooClicked : function(data, evt) {

How to add a button in my template to plumb the event handler and the properties of the button ?

I tried :

  • <button data-link="{on ~onAvailabilityClick SomeData disabled:^{!Enable}}"> {^{>DisplayName}} </button>
  • <button data-link="{on ~onAvailabilityClick SomeData} disabled:^{!Enable}"> {^{>DisplayName}} </button>
  • {^{on ~onAvailabilityClick SomeData}}<button data-link="disabled:^{!Enable}"> {^{>DisplayName}} </button>{{/on}}

But none of these works (either template syntax error or incomplete button, like having no text, or no handler).

I'm using jsViews 0.98.4.

PS: I don't know if it matters, but actually, my template is fed within a for loop, for an deep object structure.


  • You can find documentation on setting multiple data-link bindings, and other related topics here:

    In your case, you need to write

    <button data-link="disabled{:!Enable} {on ~onAvailabilityClick SomeData}">

    or if you prefer:

      data-link="disabled{:!Enable} {on ~onAvailabilityClick SomeData} {:DisplayName}">