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Defensive copy of a mutable collection in Kotlin data class

I want to have a data class accepting a read-only list:

data class Notebook(val notes: List<String>) {

But it can accept MutableList as well, because it is a subtype of the List.

For example the following code modifies the passed in list:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val notes = arrayListOf("One", "Two")
    val notebook = Notebook(notes)


    println(notebook)       // prints: Notebook(notes=[One, Two, Three])

Is there a way how perform defensive copy of the passed in list in the data class?


  • I think better is to use JetBrains library for immutable collections -

    Import in your project

    Add the bintray repository:

    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""

    Add the dependency:

    compile 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-collections-immutable:0.1'


    data class Notebook(val notes: ImmutableList<String>) {}
    fun main(args: Array<String>) {
        val notes = immutableListOf("One", "Two")
        val notebook = Notebook(notes)
        notes.add("Three") // creates a new collection
        println(notebook)       // prints: Notebook(notes=[One, Two])

    Note: You also can use add and remove methods with ImmutableList, but this methods doesn't modify current list just creates new one with your changes and return it for you.