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Javafx : ScrollPane in SplitPane cannot scroll

I have many panes in my .fxml file ( here is the earlier version of my fxml: Javafx : SplitPane resize children) Now I want to fix the first two elements in the split pane in the top of my view, so I put them out of the ScrollPane but now the problem is that I cannot scroll the rest of the panes, and I have no idea why. I tried to wrap them into a BorderPane, another try was that to wrap them in a SplitPane so the those two panes become items in the SplitPane and the third item is the ScrollPane but none of the worked. Do you have any idea what did I miss, or any solution for this problem?

Edit : So here is the code that I have tried, so I put the first two elements out of ScrollPane

        <TextArea fx:id="taTop" wrapText="true" editable="false" prefHeight="100"/>
        <TableView fx:id="tableFrist" minHeight="120" maxHeight="120">
                <TableColumn fx:id="column" prefWidth="200"/>
<ScrollPane AnchorPane.topAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="0.0"
    <SplitPane orientation="VERTICAL" fx:id="splitPane">
            <TreeTableView fx:id="tableSecond">
                    <TreeTableColumn fx:id="columnTreeS" prefWidth="200"/>
            <TreeTableView fx:id="tableThird">
                    <TreeTableColumn fx:id="columnTreeT" prefWidth="200"/>
            <TextArea fx:id="taBot" wrapText="true" editable="false"/>

Expanded state: Expanded state

Collapsed state: Collapsed state

So when I expand all panes there is no scrollbar so I cannot scroll down to the other panes.


  • I have found the solution, in my controller class i have inserted this line: scrollPane.prefHeightProperty().bind(contentPane.heightProperty()); and it solved my problem, I guess the ScrollPane had Infinite height so the scrollbar had never sown.