Is there a way to manage URL encoding with ActiveResource? Specifically I am looking for a way to pass an email address as a parameter.
Currently my query fails as the @
symbol gets URL encoded to %40
, causing the lookup on the remote app to fail.
For example, the following query on the ActiveResource model Person
Person.all(:from => :remote_find_by_email, :params => {:email => "")
Produces the following URL
Alternately, is there something the remote app should be doing to decode the parameter before performing the lookup?
Thanks to eks, I added the following method and before filter to the controller on the remote app:
before_filter :cgi_unescape_params, :only => [:remote_find_by_email]
def cgi_unescape_params
params.each { |k, v| params[k] = CGI.unescape(v) }
Try using CGI::unescape on the remote end, that should take care of any % encoded value. Cheers!