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Adding Global Password to Jenkins with init.groovy

How can I add a global passwords to Jenkins through the init.groovy that runs at startup?

To be clear, in the Manage Jenkins -> Configure Jenkins page, there is a section titled "Global Passwords". I would like to add entries in that section via Groovy code during the startup of Jenkins.

I am trying to provision my jenkins environment through groovy code by using the init.groovy. I need to add global passwords through the EnvInject plugin. I can successfully add path to a file for the same plugin using this code:

def instance = Jenkins.getInstance()

DescribableList<NodeProperty<?>, NodePropertyDescriptor> globalNodeProperties = 

    new EnvInjectNodeProperty(false, "/var/lib/jenkins/")

However, I am failing to understand the mechanics needed to programmatically add global passwords.


  • Here is the code example that should work. It seems that save() method also adds it to GlobalNodeProperties, so you don't have to add to that collection manually.

    import jenkins.model.*
    import hudson.util.*
    import hudson.slaves.NodeProperty
    import hudson.slaves.NodePropertyDescriptor
    import org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.*
    def instance = Jenkins.getInstance()
    DescribableList<NodeProperty<?>, NodePropertyDescriptor> globalNodeProperties 
                     = instance.getGlobalNodeProperties();
    envInjectNodeProperty= new EnvInjectNodeProperty(false, "/var/lib/jenkins/" 
    propDescriptor = envInjectNodeProperty.getDescriptor()
    //password entry
    def passEntry = new EnvInjectGlobalPasswordEntry("some_username", "password")
    //password entries list, add you global password here
    List<EnvInjectGlobalPasswordEntry> envInjectGlobalPasswordEntriesList= [passEntry];
    propDescriptor.envInjectGlobalPasswordEntries = 
              new EnvInjectGlobalPasswordEntry[envInjectGlobalPasswordEntriesList.size()]