I've been trying to project a 360 video inside a Sphere with flipped normals for Google Cardboard VR. The Video works fine, only it is inverted horizontally, which is noticeable only when there is some text on the screen. I've included a screen shot of video and a UI.Text element in front of it to compare it with.
I've tried to invert the view of the camera through projectionMatrix but then it just ends up in blank space. Screenshot :
I can't figure out a way to make the video project the right way. Please help!
Flipping the normals on a sphere is insufficient, you also need to reverse the U part of the UV coordinates (that is, change all the values U
such that they are 1-U
). A sphere is set up so that the outside renders text correctly from right to left. When you flip the normals "right" is still on the right from the outside...meaning that it's on the left when viewed from the inside.
You will either need to manually edit the UV coordinates yourself or get a premade inverted sphere off the asset store (IIRC there are two that are available for free).