I have a type:
newtype User = User
{ id :: String
, email :: String
, last_update :: String
and a function:
import Pux.DOM.HTML (HTML)
import Pux.DOM.HTML.Attributes (key)
import Text.Smolder.HTML as H
import Text.Smolder.HTML.Attributes as A
userRow :: User -> HTML Event
userRow user =
H.tr ! key user.id ! A.className "user-item" $ do
H.td ! key ("email") $ text user.email
H.td ! key ("last_update") $ text user.last_update
H.td ! key ("actions") ! A.className "actions" $ do
H.a ! key ("delete") ! A.className "action-delete" #! onClick (pure $ OpenDeleteModal (show user.id)) $ do
! A.className "dashicons dashicons-trash"
! A.alt "Delete"
! A.title "Delete"
$ text ""
But the types will not unify:
268 H.tr ! key user.id ! A.className "user-item" $ do
Could not match type
{ id :: String
| t0
with type
while checking that type User
is at least as general as type { id :: String
| t0
while checking that expression user
has type { id :: String
| t0
while checking type of property accessor user.id
in value declaration userRow
where t0 is an unknown type
I can't see what I am doing wrong. It seems to me that the user type has an "id" member which is a string, and therefore is at least as general as
type { id :: String
| t0
is a newtype around a record, so it wraps the record up. In order to access the records fields you first need to unwrap it. The easiest way to do this in your situation is to pattern match on the user
userRow :: User -> HTML Event
userRow (User user) =
H.tr ! key user.id ! A.className "user-item" $ do