We are building an Android SDK for some of our clients which will be distributed as an AAR. We want to integrate Crashlytics or some other crash reporting SDK to our SDK so that if any crash happens in our SDK, it gets reported to us(not to the client).
Our clients should be fine with adding the link of Fabric's maven repository in the project's build.gradle.
I want to understand if there is a way to do so??
Here Mike(a developer from Fabric) suggests that it is not possible and is not recommended without parent app being the deciding factor for initializing Fabric. In that case, if parent app is initializing the Crashlytics, will it work?
Mike (again) from Fabric.
Let me clarify that including Fabric in an SDK that is distributed to other apps will cause issues both for the app and your SDK. Do not ship Fabric in externally distributed SDKs.