I have this 2D normal distribution defined as
mu = [0 0];
Sigma = [1 0.5^0.5; 0.5^0.5 1];
Is there a way to get the contour data when the cumulative probability say is 95%. I do not want the plot but the value of the (x,y) points that results in 95% contour.
It would be very kind if someone can help. Thanks in advance
You can use a numerical solver to find the contour as follows:
% plot the distribution
x = (-5:0.5:5)';
y = (-5:0.5:5)';
[X1,X2] = meshgrid(x',y');
X = [X1(:) X2(:)];
p = mvncdf(X,mu,Sigma);
X3 = reshape(p,length(x),length(y));
x = (-5:0.1:5)'; % define the x samples at which the contour should be calculated
y0 = zeros(size(x)); % initial guess
y = fsolve(@(y) mvncdf([x y], mu, Sigma) - 0.95, y0); % solve your problem
z = mvncdf([x y],mu,Sigma); % calculate the correspond cdf values
hold on
plot3(x(z>0.94), y(z>0.94), z(z>0.94), 'LineWidth', 5); % plot only the valid solutions, i.e. a solution does not exist for all sample points of x.
To obtain a better numerical representation of the desired contour, you can repeat the above approach for chosen y values. So, your line will better fill the whole graph.
As an alternative, one may use contour
to calculate the points on the contour as follows:
[c, h] = contour(X1, X2, X3, [0.95 0.95]);
c(3, :) = mvncdf(c',mu,Sigma);
plot3(c(1, :)', c(2, :)', c(3, :)', 'LineWidth', 5);
xlim([-5 5])
ylim([-5 5])
A disadvantage of this approach is that you do not have control over the coarseness of the sampled contour. Secondly, this method uses (interpolation of) the 3D cdf, which is less accurate than the values calculated with fsolve