Currently using SendInput(MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE)
to simulate mouse movements.
adds a new mouse event to the thread input queue before being processed.
Is it possible to track/check if an specific event has actually been processed?
in WndProc
is no option since it is possible for the user to issue non-simulated mouse movements at the same time.
Is it possible to track/check if an specific event has actually been processed?
In general: No.
adds a new mouse event to the thread input queue before being processed.
Well, no. SendInput
places input events into the hardware input queue, where they get picked up by the raw input thread, and dispatched to the respective threads' input queues.
is no option since it is possible for the user to issue non-simulated mouse movements at the same time.
Correct. You can, however, install a low-level mouse hook, where you can identify injected input1. Injected input has one of the LLMHF_INJECTED
flags set in the MSLLHOOKSTRUCT structure's flags member.
A brittle solution that allows you to identify injected input in your application's window procedure's mouse message handlers is to pass a specific dwExtraInfo value through the MOUSEINPUT structure. This value can be queried in the message handler by calling GetMessageExtraInfo. It is unreliable, though, because the system uses those values, too. There is no range of values an application can use, that is guaranteed to not collide with values used by the system.