I am Creating a new Web API Controller named Customer. and this Controller has one Action named "Create"
I couldn't make this Action able to be requested via "GET" HTTP Request in this form
except in this method :
public class CustomerController : ApiController
[System.Web.Mvc.AcceptVerbs("GET", "POST")]
public MISApiResult<List<Branch>> GetCreate(string userID, string password)
return new MISApiResult<List<Branch>>() { Result = new List<Branch>() { new Branch() { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Branch1" } }, ResultCode = 1, ResultMessage = "Sucess" };
Is there any other solution to preserve the action name as "Create" as next.
public class CustomerController : ApiController
[System.Web.Mvc.AcceptVerbs("GET", "POST")]
public MISApiResult<List<Branch>> Create(string userID, string password)
return new MISApiResult<List<Branch>>() { Result = new List<Branch>() { new Branch() { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Branch1" } }, ResultCode = 1, ResultMessage = "Sucess" };
Sorry for not being clear at the first time.
According to this answer:
How does a method in MVC WebApi map to an http verb?
There is a default http method according to the action names, if it starts with Get it'll bemapped to GET HTTP Method be default otherwise it will be mapped to POST.
Is there a way to change this default mapping with a custom one so I could map an action named "Create" with "GET" Http Method for testing purpose since this way is faster for development
I tried to put HttpGet Attribute and AcceptVerbs("GET") and it still map the action with POST Http method.
I found a way like I said and it's to change the action method name into GetCreate and then put ActionName attribute with "Create" value. but is there a way to change the default mapping?
Thanks again.
why dont you specify route. You actual issue is using System.Web.Mvc
use System.Web.Http
using System.Web.Http;
public class CustomerController : ApiController
public MISApiResult<List<Branch>> Create(string userID, string password)
return new MISApiResult<List<Branch>>() { Result = new List<Branch>() { new Branch() { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Branch1" } }, ResultCode = 1, ResultMessage = "Sucess" };