I need this code is in Javascript
I am not specialized in language typescript.
this is code for play music and record audio in mobile with nativescript
do not think GitHub quickly give answer
import { TNSPlayer } from 'nativescript-audio';
export class YourClass {
private _player: TNSPlayer;
constructor() {
this._player = new TNSPlayer();
audioFile: '~/audio/song.mp3', // ~ = app directory
loop: false,
completeCallback: this._trackComplete.bind(this),
errorCallback: this._trackError.bind(this)
}).then(() => {
this._player.getAudioTrackDuration().then((duration) => {
// iOS: duration is in seconds
// Android: duration is in milliseconds
console.log(`song duration:`, duration);
public togglePlay() {
if (this._player.isAudioPlaying()) {
} else {
private _trackComplete(args: any) {
console.log('reference back to player:', args.player);
// iOS only: flag indicating if completed succesfully
console.log('whether song play completed successfully:', args.flag);
private _trackError(args: any) {
console.log('reference back to player:', args.player);
console.log('the error:', args.error);
// Android only: extra detail on error
console.log('extra info on the error:', args.extra);
If you use Webpack or any Angular (2+) seed project, even angular-cli, all your TypeScript code will "compiled" to ECMAScript and you can choose the version (from 5 to 7).
Just open tsconfig.json. target will give a concrete version of ECMAScript you need.
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "./dist/out-tsc",
"baseUrl": "src",
"sourceMap": true,
"declaration": false,
"moduleResolution": "node",
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"target": "es5",
"typeRoots": [
Run build
and get your JavaScript file from the outDir directory.