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Change ContentControl Content from Content ViewModel programmatically


    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local2:StartPageViewModel}">
    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local2:SecondPageViewModel}">
    <StackPanel DockPanel.Dock="Left">
        <Label Content="[res][per]" />
        <Button Command="{Binding CommandStartView}">
        <Button Command="{Binding CommandSecondView}">
    <ContentControl x:Name="Pages" DockPanel.Dock="Right" Content="{Binding SelectedViewModel}"/>


class MainWindowViewModel : BaseViewModel

    private object selectedViewModel;

    public object SelectedViewModel
        get { return selectedViewModel; }
        set { selectedViewModel = value; OnPropertyChanged("SelectedViewModel"); }

    public ICommand CommandStartView { get; set; }
    public ICommand CommandSecondView { get; set; }

    public MainWindowViewModel()

        CommandStartView = new RelayCommand(openStartView);
        CommandSecondView = new RelayCommand(openSecondView);


    private void openStartView(object obj)
        SelectedViewModel = new StartPageViewModel();

    private void openSecondView(object obj)
        SelectedViewModel = new SecondPageViewModel();



    <Label Content="First Page" />
    <Button Content="Second" Command="{Binding Path=DataContext.CommandSecondView, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type Window}}}"/>
    <Button Content="Do Something" Command="{Binding CommandDoBeforeSecondView}"/>


class StartPageViewModel : BaseViewModel
    public ICommand CommandDoBeforeSecondView { get; set; }

    public StartPageViewModel()

        CommandDoBeforeSecondView = new RelayCommand(openSecondView);

    private void openSecondView(object obj)
        Console.WriteLine("DO SOME CODE");

        //Then change Content programmatically


Question: How can I change the Content from the MainWindow ContentControl using the second button in the StartPage? I want to execute some code and then change the content.

In relation of the first comment I think I have to add a reference the MainWindowViewModel in my StartPageViewModel, how i make this?


My working Solution:


private void openStartView(object obj)
    SelectedViewModel = new StartPageViewModel(this);


class StartPageViewModel : BaseViewModel
    private MainWindowViewModel mainWindow;
    public ICommand CommandDoBeforeSecondView { get; set; }

    public StartPageViewModel(MainWindowViewModel _mainWindow)
        mainWindow = _mainWindow;
        CommandDoBeforeSecondView = new RelayCommand(openSecondView);

    private void openSecondView(object obj)
        Console.WriteLine("DO SOME CODE");
        mainWindow.SelectedViewModel = new SecondPageViewModel();



  • My working Solution:


    private void openStartView(object obj)
        SelectedViewModel = new StartPageViewModel(this);


    class StartPageViewModel : BaseViewModel
        private MainWindowViewModel mainWindow;
        public ICommand CommandDoBeforeSecondView { get; set; }
        public StartPageViewModel(MainWindowViewModel _mainWindow)
            mainWindow = _mainWindow;
            CommandDoBeforeSecondView = new RelayCommand(openSecondView);
        private void openSecondView(object obj)
            Console.WriteLine("DO SOME CODE");
            mainWindow.SelectedViewModel = new SecondPageViewModel();

    Thx to Peter Duniho he answered it the comments above:

    you should just pass this when creating StartPageViewModel in the MainWindowViewModel, then the StartPageViewModel will have the reference (you'll have to add the parameter to the constructor of course)