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Mantis bugnotes formatting

Is it possible to format bugnotes(comments) entered in Mantis bug tracker for an issue ?

I am using Mantis v1.0.8


"sample mantis bug notes"

which appears as plain text.

I would like to make it bold or to display in different color

e.g. similar to

does any other bug tracking system allow such feature ?


  • In Mantis one can use some of HTML tags (unfortunately not all are supported). From my experience (as I remember well) I've successfully used: <B>, <I>, <U>, <S> and lists, both ordered <OL><LI> and unordered (bullets): <UL><LI>. It makes notes and descriptions more readable.

    Currently I'm using 1.1.8 version of Mantis but I was successfully using it in older version (prior to 1.0) - so yours should also handle that.