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Codes used in Mantis bug database

I am assuming these are the descriptions for the codes in the mantis_bug_table in the Mantis bug database.How can i confirm these descriptions ?

#Status ? Is it --> 10-New, 20-Acknowledged, 30-Confirmed, 40-Assigned,50-Resolved,60-Closed
#Severity ? Is it --> 10-FEATURE, 20-TRIVIAL, 30-TEXT, 40-TWEAK, 50-MINOR, 60-MAJOR, 70-CRASH, 80-BLOCK
#Priority ? Is it --> Urgent = 1, Not Urgent = 5, Disable = 0 . Default is 3


  • These are defined in config_defaults_inc.php and can be customized based on your requirements. Check the MantisBT Enum Strings in the above file.